Recipes that include Soy Sauce. Whether used as the main ingredient or seasoning on the finished dish, the recipes on this page will have Soy Sauce as an ingredient.
The author calls these lemongrass pork chops porky goodness. I call them porky perfection! Classic Vietnamese flavors and thick grilled pork chops. Drool!!
These Korean beef tacos were sweet, spicy, salty, and savory in perfect harmony. In fact, I think they are my favorite recipe that I have blogged so far!
These teriyaki burgers were easy to make just looked gorgeous thanks to the grilled pineapple topping. I used ground turkey and they were juicy as promised.
Thin slices of cool cucumber in a dressing that mixes sweet, tangy, salty, and spicy flavors makes such a delicious side dish, and it's ready in 6 minutes!