Healthy Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins

I admit it, I’m a bit of a sugar junkie. But I’m in the process of reforming, and it’s going pretty well. I’ve managed to give up my sweet iced tea, ice cream, cookies, and a lot of other not-so-healthy stuff I used to snack on daily. Well, I shouldn’t say “give up” because I do treat myself once in a while, but I have replaced those things with a lot of fresh fruit and good old-fashioned water. But sometimes it’s hard! I need a sugar fix, and my stomach won’t accept anything less. So thank goodness I stumbled upon these Healthy Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins. There is literally no sugar in the recipe, not even artificial sweetener. I’ll give you a second to let that sink in because it blew my mind.

Chocolate chip muffins to the rescue— you’ve gotta try these no added sugar Healthy Chocolate Chip Banana Muffins. These easy Coconut Flour Banana Muffins are gluten free! Plus coconut flour recipes for keto, vegan, paleo, and mini muffins too!

Recipe Author: Kristina LaRue at Love & Zest
Get the recipe

The Ingredients

At 11 ingredients, this is a baking recipe I can get down with. It’s not a ton of stuff, and the instructions look straightforward enough. And as usual, I had a few things on hand like coconut oil, vanilla extract, baking soda, salt, and cocoa powder. I even had some eggs and unsweetened vanilla almond milk in the refrigerator.

That left me with a fairly short shopping list of one banana, chocolate chips, coconut flour, and peanut powder. The banana was easy, and so were the chocolate chips. I even went for sugar-free dark chocolate chips. I thought coconut flour might be difficult to find, but Whole Foods had it.

They also had peanut powder, which really surprised me. It’s literally powdered peanut butter. What?! I’ve never heard of such a thing, but it makes sense in this recipe. Powder would be much easier to mix into the batter than a glob of peanut butter. Oh, and it has waaaaay less calories than regular peanut butter. We’re talking 60 calories versus 190 per two-tablespoon serving. I hope it tastes as good!

Healthy Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins
Banana, vanilla extract, cocoa powder, chocolate chips, eggs, almond milk, peanut powder, coconut oil, coconut flour, baking soda, and salt

The Process

There are only six steps to this recipe, and one of those is preheating the oven and spraying a muffin pan with cooking spray. I love it! It listed 23 minutes total time, but I wasn’t that quick. Here’s how my time was spent:

  • 19 minutes to prep
  • 20 minutes to cook
  • 39 minutes total

Following the instructions was very easy, and I didn’t have any trouble mixing up the muffins. I even remembered that this recipe only makes 10 muffins, so I didn’t try to fill the entire pan. Still, the prep work and cooking both took longer than expected.

Mash the banana before adding it to the other ingredients
Mash the banana before adding it to the other ingredients

It took me 14 minutes to get the batter mixed and in the pan. The other five minutes was spent mixing up a triple batch of powdered peanut butter in my mini-prep. I added a dollop to each muffin and topped it with some extra chocolate chips.

Then it was into the oven to bake. The toothpick test failed after 15 minutes, but it passed after 20. One thing I did notice was the powdered peanut butter didn’t melt. It looked the same as when I put it into the oven, and I assume that’s because it has much less fat and oil. I was mildly disappointed at that, but it’s really not a big deal as long as it tastes good!

Muffin pan filled with batter
Muffin pan filled with batter

So how was it?

Clear & Accurate Directions
Accurate Time(s)
"Healthy" and "chocolate chip muffins" is not a word combo I would ever put together, but here we are. These Healthy Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins don't have any added sugar, but they are so good! They're moist and perfect inside, and just sweet enough for me. Think dark chocolate with a sweet banana-peanut butter pop. (If dark chocolate isn't your jam, try using milk chocolate chips to add some sweetness.) Making them did take longer than the time listed, but the process was very easy to follow. I'm well pleased with how this recipe turned out and consider it a Pinterest success.
The Hungry Pinner
The Hungry Pinner
I'm Candice, and I'm The Hungry Pinner. I created this blog to share my love for cooking and my experiences with the MANY recipes I've found on Pinterest over the years. Join me as I blog my way through those recipes to find out if they are worth trying yourself.


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"Healthy" and "chocolate chip muffins" is not a word combo I would ever put together, but here we are. These Healthy Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins don't have any added sugar, but they are so good! They're moist and perfect inside, and just sweet enough for me. Think dark chocolate with a sweet banana-peanut butter pop. (If dark chocolate isn't your jam, try using milk chocolate chips to add some sweetness.) Making them did take longer than the time listed, but the process was very easy to follow. I'm well pleased with how this recipe turned out and consider it a Pinterest success.Healthy Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins