Greek Chickpea Soup With Lemon & Oregano (Revithosoupa)

I’m always up for Greek food! And although I love lamb, my husband doesn’t. That’s okay, though, because it keeps me from getting boring or overdoing the red meat. So this week I’m going in a completely different direction and trying a vegan Greek recipe. This Greek Chickpea Soup With Lemon & Oregano (Revithosoupa) still sounds delicious and has the benefit of being healthy, guilt-free, and cheap. I will have to invest some time waiting for it to simmer, but I’m betting the payoff will be worth it. Let’s find out!

This nutritious soup needs only a handful of ingredients to put together and can be made either in the instant pot or on the stovetop.

Recipe Author: Fotini at Real Greek Recipes
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The Ingredients

This revithosoupa recipe has a whopping six ingredients, and they’re pretty basic items. I did have to make a special trip to find the dried chickpeas, though. My local Whole Foods only carries canned ?

Greek Chickpea Soup With Lemon & Oregano (Revithosoupa) Ingredients
Chickpeas, onion, lemon, garlic, oregano, and olive oil

The Process

Making this revithosoupa was easy, but it did require a little planning because the chickpeas need to be soaked overnight. That wasn’t exactly difficult, and I soaked them in a medium mixing bowl left on my countertop overnight. Just be sure to add plenty of water because the chickpeas will absorb it as they soak. You don’t want to wake up to still dry chickpeas.

I also had to plan ahead when I was ready to cook since I don’t have a pressure cooker. This recipe has instructions for that and stovetop cooking, but the stovetop method requires 2-3 hours of simmering.

Once I figured out when I needed to get things started, actually making this soup was super easy. I did a little bit of chopping, converted liters to cups (8 1/2), and got cooking. Or simmering (I used a 5-quart pot).

I planned to let the soup simmer for three hours, but I found the chickpeas were nice and soft after two hours. All that was left to do was add the 6.3 ounces of olive oil and simmer for just 30 minutes more before finishing with the oregano and lemon juice.

Draining the chickpeas after soaking overnight
Draining the chickpeas after soaking overnight

So how was it?

Clear & Accurate Directions
Accurate Time(s)
This simple revithosoupa recipe made a hearty and flavorful vegan soup for just a few dollars. Simmering chickpeas with garlic and onion for a couple of hours created a surprisingly flavorful broth. Adding olive oil, oregano, and lemon juice to it only made it better. This recipe did require me to plan ahead because I had to soak the chickpeas overnight then cook for almost three hours, but it was worth it. It made up a big batch of soup that lasted for a couple of days, and the leftovers only got better.
The Hungry Pinner
The Hungry Pinner
I'm Candice, and I'm The Hungry Pinner. I created this blog to share my love for cooking and my experiences with the MANY recipes I've found on Pinterest over the years. Join me as I blog my way through those recipes to find out if they are worth trying yourself.


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This simple revithosoupa recipe made a hearty and flavorful vegan soup for just a few dollars. Simmering chickpeas with garlic and onion for a couple of hours created a surprisingly flavorful broth. Adding olive oil, oregano, and lemon juice to it only made it better. This recipe did require me to plan ahead because I had to soak the chickpeas overnight then cook for almost three hours, but it was worth it. It made up a big batch of soup that lasted for a couple of days, and the leftovers only got better.Greek Chickpea Soup With Lemon & Oregano (Revithosoupa)