Grand Marnier Berry Salad

I love fresh berries! I don’t think there’s a way I’ve tried them that I haven’t liked: pies, tarts, compotes, preserves… the list could go on and on. And I’d be hard-pressed to pick my favorite berry. That’s why this recipe appealed to me: berry salad with strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries all in one recipe. Plus it listed the total time to make as 10 minutes. It’s not often I find a recipe that’s so quick to make. I definitely had to give this one a try.

Raspberries, blackberries, blueberries and sliced strawberries come together beautifully with fresh mint and a light, tangy and sweet lime Grand Marnier dressing.

Recipe Author: Allie at Through Her Looking Glass
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The Ingredients

There aren’t many ingredients to this recipe, and they were all easy to find. I don’t use Grand Marnier very often, so a $36+ bottle seemed pricey for one salad. Fortunately, I was able to find a 50ml mini for just over $6. It was more than enough to make this salad and a much less expensive option.

Grand Marnier Berry Salad Ingredients
Strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, mint, blueberries, lime, and Grand Marnier liqueur (I forgot to show the honey, but it’s in the finished salad!)

The Process

This berry salad was incredibly fast and easy to make. I had a beautiful bowl of it made and garnished in just 10 minutes. Seriously, 10 minutes!

Most of the berries just need to be rinsed and tossed into a serving bowl. The strawberries were the exception, and I decided to cut them into halves or thirds depending on how large they were. I wanted the pieces to be small enough that I could get a mix of berries in each bite.

I used the leaves from 3 mint sprigs in the salad, and I had more than half the package left over. One lime gave me just about enough juice for this recipe, but I did have to top it off with a little bottled lime juice. I’d recommend buying 2 limes to be on the safe side if you don’t normally keep bottled lime juice around (I like to just for these situations).

Grand Marnier Berry Salad
Rinsing the berries and mint leaves

To Serve

Something about this berry salad makes me think of summer and cooking out. This recipe would make a wonderful dessert with BBQ ribs.

So how was it?

Clear & Accurate Directions
Accurate Time(s)
This is a beautiful and tasty berry salad! The lime, honey and Grand Marnier mixture coats the berries and clings to them. It's such a delicious compliment to them, too. I found I got a little bit of a different taste in each bite depending on the berries in it. I really loved the contrast of the tangy and sweet. The berries ranged from sweet to a little tart, and they went so well with the sweet liqueur and honey as well as the tart lime.
The Hungry Pinner
The Hungry Pinner
I'm Candice, and I'm The Hungry Pinner. I created this blog to share my love for cooking and my experiences with the MANY recipes I've found on Pinterest over the years. Join me as I blog my way through those recipes to find out if they are worth trying yourself.


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This is a beautiful and tasty berry salad! The lime, honey and Grand Marnier mixture coats the berries and clings to them. It's such a delicious compliment to them, too. I found I got a little bit of a different taste in each bite depending on the berries in it. I really loved the contrast of the tangy and sweet. The berries ranged from sweet to a little tart, and they went so well with the sweet liqueur and honey as well as the tart lime. Grand Marnier Berry Salad