Classic Greek Frappe

Coffee in the morning is a requirement for me. And although I love the convenience of buying ready-made coffee drinks, I rarely do for a couple of reasons. First, I need coffee immediately. Driving before caffeinating myself is unthinkable. I’m in my PJ’s and grunting replies at that point. I don’t think the baristas at Starbucks would appreciate that. Then there’s the cost—I would spend a small fortune on coffee every week. Classic Greek Frappe recipe to the rescue!

This post was originally published on September 15, 2017. The text and photos were updated on July 14, 2021. The review and rating have not been changed.

This seriously delicious and refreshing iced coffee will make you forget Starbucks this summer. Save big bucks by learning how to make a Greek Frappe at home.

Recipe Author: Jas at All that’s Jas
Get the recipe

The Ingredients

There isn’t much to this drink recipe, but that’s not a bad thing. In fact, it’s really wonderful for the mornings which is exactly when I tested this Classic Greek Frappe recipe.

I was a little hesitant when I saw it called for instant coffee. I’m not a super knowledgeable coffee drinker, but I remember instant coffee as being pretty gross. Thankfully that wasn’t the case here, so don’t let that put you off.

Classic Greek Frappe Ingredients
Instant coffee, ice cubes, milk, sugar, and water

The Process

This frappe recipe doesn’t call for much coffee or water (2 teaspoons and 2 tablespoons, respectively). For perspective, I used the maximum amount of sugar suggested, 4 teaspoons. Twice as much sugar as coffee? I kept re-reading it to make sure I had the correct quantities. I thought I would end up remaking this recipe with more of each. Wrong!

Two minutes of shaking made a lot of thick coffee foam. Seriously, the foam was so thick I had to use a spoon to scrape a lot of it out of the cocktail shaker. The picture below shows how much it filled my glass (with ice). I got really hopeful when I saw that.

Coffee foam poured over ice
Coffee foam poured over ice

I topped it with whole milk instead of cream to lighten it up a bit. My whole 5 minutes of work paid off with a sweet cold coffee drink that rivaled what I could buy at a coffee shop.

My second frappe (shown in the main photo) was made with the minimum duration of shaking suggested, 1 minute. I still ended up with thick coffee foam, just slightly less than with the 2-minute shake. I’ve continued making them with the 1 minute of shaking since the results were just as good. And that whole non-morning person thing I have going on.

So how was it?

Clear & Accurate Directions
The only sort of negative thing I can say about this recipe is I couldn't get it to look like the author's picture. I'm sure it's a matter how of technique, and it really isn't something I think is important. The important parts are how easy it is to make, how much it can save you, and how good it is. It really is just as good as anything I could get at a coffee shop. Frappes are now a regular drink for me.
The Hungry Pinner
The Hungry Pinner
I'm Candice, and I'm The Hungry Pinner. I created this blog to share my love for cooking and my experiences with the MANY recipes I've found on Pinterest over the years. Join me as I blog my way through those recipes to find out if they are worth trying yourself.


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The only sort of negative thing I can say about this recipe is I couldn't get it to look like the author's picture. I'm sure it's a matter how of technique, and it really isn't something I think is important. The important parts are how easy it is to make, how much it can save you, and how good it is. It really is just as good as anything I could get at a coffee shop. Frappes are now a regular drink for me. Classic Greek Frappe