Cinnamon Roll Smoothie

I don’t know about you, but I’m not a morning person. I think my alarm clock is evil, and I’m pretty much a zombie for the first 30 minutes after I get out of bed. I’m also very hungry, but I would be a slow zombie, so catching my food is out of the question. Smoothies to the rescue! They’re faster, tastier, and healthier than leftovers or pre-packaged breakfast foods. Or that giant cinnamon roll this Cinnamon Roll Smoothie recipe made me envision.

This post was originally published on August 25, 2017. The text and photos were updated on July 14, 2021. The review and rating have not been changed.

Basically, just imagine taking all the sweet, sticky, spicy indulgence of a fresh-baked cinnamon roll and cramming it into a glass. The only thing you can leave out is the guilt, because this Cinnamon Roll Smoothie is low-fat and packed with healthy fruit and oatmeal.

Recipe Author: Corey at Family Fresh Meals
Get the recipe

The Ingredients

This cinnamon roll smoothie has just 6 ingredients. That seems pretty average for most smoothie recipes, and I’m not sure my morning brain could handle many more.

I did remember to freeze the banana the day I came home from the grocery store. I’ve gotten into the habit of buying a bunch so I have fresh and frozen on hand. Then I place a few peeled and sliced bananas into sandwich-size ziplock bags right after I put all the groceries away. It’s fast, low effort, and I always have frozen bananas ready to go.

Cinnamon Roll Smoothie Ingredients
Cinnamon, vanilla Greek yogurt, frozen bananas, brown sugar, vanilla almond milk, and old fashioned oats

The Process

It’s a single step: Just put everything into a blender, push a button, and you have a cinnamon roll smoothie. There is no possible way a recipe could be easier to make. Even half asleep I had a smoothie made and poured in 3:30.


I found the banana taste overpowered the cinnamon. I recommend increasing the cinnamon to 3/4 to 1 teaspoon.

So how was it?

Clear & Accurate Directions
Accurate Time(s)
My cinnamon roll smoothie was good, but not great. It was sweet, and I really tasted the banana more than anything else. I ended up remaking it with a full teaspoon of ground cinnamon and finally got closer to the cinnamon roll taste I was imagining. The texture was on the thin side but also slightly chewy because of the oats. All in all, it was tasty and filling. I'll be making this again.
The Hungry Pinner
The Hungry Pinner
I'm Candice, and I'm The Hungry Pinner. I created this blog to share my love for cooking and my experiences with the MANY recipes I've found on Pinterest over the years. Join me as I blog my way through those recipes to find out if they are worth trying yourself.


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My cinnamon roll smoothie was good, but not great. It was sweet, and I really tasted the banana more than anything else. I ended up remaking it with a full teaspoon of ground cinnamon and finally got closer to the cinnamon roll taste I was imagining. The texture was on the thin side but also slightly chewy because of the oats. All in all, it was tasty and filling. I'll be making this again.Cinnamon Roll Smoothie