
Glögg: Swedish Mulled Wine

Glögg is a sweet mulled wine from Sweden. Slow simmering blends the wine and spices while making your house smell like Christmas.

Healthy Chia Gingerbread Smoothie

I'm happy to say that the Healthy Chia Gingerbread Smoothie lives up to its name. This is the perfect Christmastime breakfast!

Bourbon Stout Cocktail

This Bourbon Stout Cocktail was easy to make, beautiful, and brought out the best in all its ingredients. Adds a chocolatey touch to the Holidays!

Blackberry Pomegranate Bourbon Cocktail (a.k.a. Smokey Blackberry Bourbon Punch)

The Blackberry Pomegranate Bourbon Cocktail is sweet and fruity bourbon goodness! Add a smokey garnish for Halloween or skip it and drink poolside.


A lot of times I theme my weekly posts, but I'm not doing that this week. I have been wanting to try this Cherrytini...

The Royal Affliction

Smoked rosemary sprigs, fresh blackberries, and lime juice are combined with scotch whisky to create a unique smoked cocktail in The Royal Affliction.

Chocolate Overnight Oatmeal Smoothie

This Chocolate Overnight Oatmeal Smoothie recipe is packed full of healthy goodness and chocolatey flavor. It's also easy to make and a filling breakfast.

Summer Breeze Cocktail

The Summer Breeze Cocktail lived up to its name. The cucumber, lime, mint, and cilantro balance perfectly and give it a cool and refreshing flavor.

Coconut Blood Orange Margaritas

Blood orange margaritas are the best thing ever! Blood orange, lime, cream of coconut, and tequila create a creamy, sweet, and tart cocktail that is magical.

Blueberry Coconut Sparkler

This Blueberry Coconut Sparkler is a sweet and boozy summer treat! It's an excellent option if you're serving a crowd at your next barbecue.

Blackberry and Meyer Lemon Gin and Tonics

These Blackberry and Meyer Lemon Gin and Tonics were a unique take on a classic gin and tonic. They were sweet! And still as refreshing as a G&T should be.

Citrus Cardamom Coffee Spritzer AKA Monday Mocktail

This Citrus Cardamom Coffee Spritzer is a refreshing take on iced coffee. It was sweet with hints of lemon and cardamom, and the bubbles made it interesting.

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